Mar 2022 – “Women and the US Judiciary”

Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link

CWI is delighted to celebrate this Women’s History Month with President Biden’s nomination of the first Black Woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court. CWI’s Vice President Legal Affairs, Jeanette Lim Esbrook, has issued this statement to endorse her confirmation. The Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues is an organization that addresses progress towards greater equity for women and girls in economic, health, education, social, political, and legal issues. Accordingly, we wholeheartedly support President Biden’s nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court of the United States. This highest Court of the land should have representation of all citizens and the nomination of a Black woman to the Court is long overdue. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is eminently qualified as a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law school. She is a respected and experienced jurist with a life-long dedication to public service. We urge the Senate to confirm Judge Jackson to establish a Court that represents all citizens of the United States.

Kimberly Humphrey, Senior Legislative Counsel at the Alliance for Justice will provide an overview of the demographics of women in the US Judiciary and the strong progress of advocates and the Biden administration in adding women of color, and particularly Black women, to the federal bench. She will also discuss the ways in which the judiciary might be made more gender-conscious and supportive of feminist goals. Kimberly leads and coordinates federal advocacy to elevate the importance of the courts and judicial nominations for AFJ. She previously worked as a senior policy analyst in Baltimore’s Dept of Human Resources and as a Legislative Counsel for ACLU of Maryland. She has a J.D. from Catholic Univ. and an undergraduate degree from Spelman College.

Samantha Cyrulnik-Dercher, Senior Manager of the Fair Courts Program at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund will update us on the vetting and confirmation process for Judge Jackson including the role of Civil Rights groups in supporting her confirmation. Sam previously served as Federal Policy Director of SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, where she advocated for LGBTQ-inclusive comprehensive sex education. She has been featured in Esquire, Cosmopolitan, The Washington Post, and other national publications. Before SIECUS, Sam spent four years in the office of then-Congressman Tim Walz (MN-01), working her way from intern to Acting Legislative Director. Sam earned her B.A. in political science from The George Washington Univ. and her J.D. from American Univ. Washington College of Law.

Erinn D. Martin, Director of Nominations and Cross-Cutting Policies, National Women’s Law Center, had been scheduled to speak, but will be unavailable as she has been invited to attend Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic hearings.

Please join us at this noon ET zoom meeting by registering here.

Feb 2022 – “Black Women’s Health, Wealth and Wellness”

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link

This meeting will be hosted by CWI’s, Dr. Alotta Taylor. Sherry Klein assisted in arranging this program.

Dr. C. Nicole Mason, President/CEO, Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), was named one of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders by Fortune Magazine. She is also the author of  Born Bright: A Young Girl’s Journey from Nothing to Something in America. She will focus on women’s wealth inequities and the ways to fix them.

“Prior to IWPR, Dr. Mason was the executive director of the Women of Color Policy Network at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

At the start of the pandemic, she coined the term she-cession to describe the disproportionate impact of the employment and income losses on women. Dr. Mason has written hundreds of articles on women, poverty, and economic security. Her writing and commentary have been featured in the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, the Washington Post, Marie Claire, the Progressive, ESSENCE, Bustle, BIG THINK, Miami Herald, Democracy Now, and numerous NPR affiliates, among others.”

Dr. Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson, DNP, MSN, RN-BC, Director, Center for Gerontology Excellence (Hampton University), U.S. Army Nurse Corps veteran, will address topics related to older women of color. Dr. McQueen-Gibson is a School of Nursing Associate Professor at Hampton University, Board Chair of the American Heart Association, Member of the Governor’s COVID-19 Long Term Care Task Force, and the State COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Workgroup.

Her current clinical research focuses on the social, ethical, and behavioral implications (SEBI) of COVID-19 testing among underserved and/or vulnerable populations, addressing residents’ mistrust from communities of color of public health messaging and review of COVID-19 testing protocols within public housing in Southern Virginia, and how these protocols can be adapted to be more responsive to the needs of residents. This research is a partnership between Hampton University, Eastern Virginia Medical School and Norfolk State’s Center for Health Disparities.

Please join us at this meeting by registering and coming to our noon Feb. 22 zoom meeting here.

March 22 Noon Zoom CWI Women’s History Month Meeting: Women & the US Judiciary

Jan 2022 – “Combatting Women’s Health and Wealth Inequities”

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link

What do you think of when you read/hear “Women’s Health and Wealth Equity”? What is the correlation? What is the impact of health and wealth inequalities on women? What can we do about it? Attend this CWI noon zoom meeting on January 25th to find out.

Dr. Martha Burk, a long-time feminist activist and Money Editor of Ms Magazine, will focus on financial (Wealth) inequities.   Alanna Murrell, Special Projects Manager, Black Women’s Health Imperative, will address Health inequities. They both will highlight the intersection of the inequalities and what can be done to overcome them.  This meeting will be hosted by CWI’s, Holly Joseph

Dr. Burk will summarize how county, state, and federal government Pay Equity initiatives have fared.  Dr. Burk’s work, featured on the U.S. Department of Labor website, advises city, county, and state governments on gender pay equity and conducts internal pay analyses for private sector companies seeking to improve their understanding of wage gaps by gender and race.  She designed and implemented the first-in-the-nation equal pay contractor reporting initiatives for the State of New Mexico and the City of Albuquerque.  Dr. Burk holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology with an emphasis on research and statistics.

Alanna Murrell, Alanna Murrell is a Special Projects Manager for Black Women’s Health Imperative. She focuses heavily on Black women’s health, centering health advocacy and equity in environmental justice, reproductive justice, and maternal health. She is multi-faceted communication specialist, conversationalist, and empathic thought-leader amplifying the importance of vulnerable communication, intersectional storytelling, and community building. Her background is in business development, marketing, and communications.

The Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI) is the only national organization solely focused on promoting the physical, emotional and financial health and wellness of the nation’s 21 million Black women and girls.  For almost four decades, BWHI has served as the leading voice for health and wellness for Black women and girls across the country. Their mission is to advance health equity and social justice for Black women across the lifespan, eliminate racial and gender-based health inequities and deepen Black women’s resolve in becoming informed decision makers to achieve optimum health and wellness.

Please join us at this meeting by registering and coming to our noon Jan. 25 zoom meeting.

Our February 22 noon zoom meeting will feature some follow-up, with focus on Black Health and Wellness, which is this year’s Black History Month theme featuring: Dr. C. Nicole Mason, Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), Dr. Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson, Director, Center for Gerontology Excellence, Hampton University, and possibly an additional speaker.

Oct 2021 – “The Challenges and Future for Afghan Women and Girls”

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom

Free Registration Link

We are all worried about the disaster for women and girls and all the people in Afghanistan since the US withdrawal and the takeover by the Taliban in Aug. 2021. This CWI noon zoom meeting on October 26th will enable us to learn more about the disaster even for those who were fortunate enough to leave, the roles of women and girls in the education and the civic sectors, what is happening now, and what the US and others should do to avoid continued and new disasters.

This meeting is organized and will be emceed by CWI Co-President, Connie Cordovilla and Vice President for Global Issues, Megan Corrado, who worked for Women for Afghan Women and is now Director of Policy and Advocacy for the Alliance for Peacebuilding.

Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority Foundation, the Feminist Majority, and publisher of Ms. Magazine, who has worked to save Afghan women since the first Taliban takeover will amplify her understanding of the current disaster and share her advice on what women’s organizations and activists should do now and in the future.

Saba, a prominent Afghan women’s and girls’ rights advocate and educator, will speak on the education of girls and women both before and after the current takeover of the Taliban.

Stacey Schamber, an American who worked with the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), providing technical assistance on the Better Peace Initiative, the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL), and issues of protection and psychosocial support has agreed to share her knowledge and insights based on her ongoing work with Afghan women.

We are inviting  additional Afgan women experts to share their insights during the discussion time.

Please join us at this meeting by registering and coming to our noon October 26 zoom meeting

Sep 2021-“Redistricting, Gerrymandering and Voting Rights”

Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link

The CWI noon zoom meeting on September 28th is an opportunity to learn more about “Redistricting, Gerrymandering and Voting Rights.” Population data from the 2020 Census identified states whose population increased and states whose population decreased. That information informed each state with their share of the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives until the next census in 2030. Knowledgeable speakers at this meeting will discuss the variety of State processes for drawing lines to identify their Congressional Districts, including possible gerrymandering.

Discussion on how voting rights of minority, poor voters and women political candidates are being targeted. These can be complex and opaque processes with massive ramifications, starting with an impact on the 2022 mid-term elections. Speakers will also discuss the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act HR-4 and HR 1 to counter the effect of the States who have enacted laws to inhibit voting rights.

This meeting was organized and will be moderated by CWI VP Legal Affairs, Jeanette Lim Esbrook with assistance from VP Diversity, Alotta Taylor.

Scheduled speakers are: Gerardo Vildostegui, an advisor with the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights section; Demetrius Fisher from the League of Women Voters’ “People Powered Fair Maps” campaign; Toni-Michelle Travis, a professor of political science at George Mason University; and Joseph N. Posimato, an Associate with Perkin Coe’s Political Law Group who is litigating state voting law cases.

Please join our first meeting of this year by registering and coming to our noon 9/28 zoom meeting.


June 2021-“Celebrating Title IX’s 49th Birthday with the Reintroduction of the Gender Equity Education Act in the 117th Congress”

Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom

Registration Link

Moderator: Sue Klein, Co-President Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues and Education Equity Director, Feminist Majority Foundation.


Representatives from the Office of U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) and the Office of U.S. Representative Doris Matsui (D-CA) will discuss the reintroduction of the Patsy T. Mink and Louise M. Slaughter Gender Equity in Education Act (GEEA).

Ben Strand, Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI), Laura Forero, Legislative Assistant, U.S. Representative Doris Matsui (D-CA), and others who have been working to update and expand GEEA will discuss reintroduction for the 117th Congress (2021-2022)—which will coincide with Title IX’s 49th Anniversary on June 23, 2021.

They will address the following:

  • What is the Gender Equity Education Act (GEEA)?
  • What changes have been made to GEEA since the 116th Congress (2019-2020)?
  • Who has cosponsored GEEA for the 117th Congress (2021-2022)?
  • Why do we need this legislation?
  • How can we increase support for the bill?
  • What is the path forward on the bill?

At the end of the meeting members of the CLEARINGHOUSE ON WOMEN’S ISSUES (CWI) will be invited to stay a few minutes to elect half the CWI BOARD for 2yr terms July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.

The following CWI board members’ terms end in June 30, 2021 but they have agreed to stand for election at the June 22, 2021 CWI meeting.

  • Co-Presidents Sue Klein and Connie Cordovilla have agreed to run for reelection and Connie has also agreed to serve as VP membership.
  • Anne Martin has agreed to continue as VP Organization Management
  • Alotta Taylor, has agreed to continue as VP Diversity. Linda Fihelly has agreed to continue as a Board Member.

Next CWI meeting Sept. 28, 2021

May 2021-“Update on Global Gender Issues highlighting a Strategy for Progress, D.C. for CEDAW: The Time is Now!”

Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link


Karen Mulhauser, President, Mulhauser and Associates, Past President NARAL, Past Chair United Nations Association of the USA, Past President United Nations Association, National Capital Area, will provide a brief history and update on the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) including plans to gain US ratification of this important treaty and how it would work with the ERA when both are passed. She will then describe progress made with the Cities for CEDAW movement and why it is important to make DC a City or hopefully state for CEDAW.

Shayna Vayser, Managing Director of Advocacy and Policy Strategy at the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA), will share a call to action for gender equity in Washington, DC. DC for CEDAW is a campaign to have the principles of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) adopted into city legislatures across the National Capital Area, starting with the District of Columbia. The legislation’s primary focus requires government agencies to report gender analysis data and develop a citywide plan to ensure equality for women and girls in all arenas. Shayna, representing UNA-NCA’s DC for CEDAW Initiative, will provide a presentation on their efforts to work with coalition partners and DC City Council pass and sign CEDAW into local law. DC for CEDAW is coordinated by the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA), a non-profit dedicated to advancing the values and priorities of the United Nations locally and globally.

Megan Corrado, Esq, CWI’s Vice President of Global Issues, Director of Policy and Advocacy with the Alliance for Peacebuilding, and Co-Chair of the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace, and Security will provide an update on the Biden-Harris Administration’s foreign policy accomplishments and challenges related to gender over its first few months. From the creation of the White House Gender Policy Council and rescission of the “Global Gag Rule,” a devastating anti-abortion and reproductive rights policy that undermined the health and freedoms of women around the world, the Administration has made important strides in reversing the harmful policies of the last few years. However, the Administration has been slow to advance some gender laws and policies, such as the Women, Peace, and Security Act, or issue a revised USAID Gender Policy. The recent decision to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan will have significant implications for the tremendous strides Afghan women and girls have made over the last 20 years. Megan will review and reflect on what has and has not yet been achieved and outlined key policy priorities for the Administration to advance a feminist foreign policy.

Next CWI zoom meeting noon Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Apr 2021-“The First 100 Days of the Biden/Harris Administration: Accomplishments, Challenges and Issues”

Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link

The Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues is delighted to offer an examination into the actions of the first
months of the Biden/Harris Team. The foci will be on economics, civil rights, education and the
transition requests for the priorities on women’s and family issues. Many of us worked hard to ensure
that 2020 elections would bring about a change in the administration and the direction in which our
country and our society were moving. Through pandemic and voting rights challenges, we persevered
and, in fact, were able to bring a fresh perspective and reasoning to the highest level of US Government.
We want to know what the administration is accountable for and what remains to be done.
Accountability for all the projected changes promised is being demanded.

Shiwali Patel, Director of Justice for Student Survivors & Senior Counsel at the
National Women’s Law Center
will address the gains made on the recognition and
elimination of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Following #MeTOO as well as the
latest reports from the Governor’s office in New York, the threat of harassment or
actual assault has raised the consciousness of many people and moved legislative
action. But more is needed. Most recently, NWLC published NWLC Leads Civil Rights
Brief in Support of Students’ Rights to Be Free from Harassment and Unfair Discipline.

Ariane Hegewisch, Senior Research Fellow at IWPR, will discuss the economic progress in the
first one hundred days. IWPR has done the research to expose the economic impact of
covid on women and families, especially women of color and the steps needed to help
women overcome the struggles of fair pay, job preparation and “glass ceilings.”. How it
will affect gender equality has been discussed in the recent IWPR Report, BUILD(ING)

Mindy Grimes-Festge, Secretary/Treasurer of the United Teachers of Dade, will discuss
the educational needs of students, especially the impact of the forced virtual learning in
the face of the pandemic and re-opening schools safely.

UTD has been advocating for state and federal resources to support students’ social and emotional needs in addition to legislation and regulation focused on public health and economic recovery. The predominantly female workforce is facing stigmatization for advocating for healthy schools and state legislative attacks against its very existence.

Finally, Jeanette Lim Esbrook, CWI Vice President, Legal Affairs will provide the list of women President Biden has appointed or nominated for leadership positions in his administration during the first 100 Days.

Mar 2021-“Next Steps in Creating the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum”

Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration Link
(Please register for this free public meeting by 6pm on 3/22/21)

The Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues is delighted to celebrate Women’s History Month by sharing information on the recent passage of the Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act to create a museum for which the federal government will pay half the development and operating costs of this museum under auspices of the Smithsonian Institution.

Many of us have supported the development of this museum mainly via the privately funded and mostly virtual National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) incorporated in 1996. To show equal treatment of women, many believed the museum should be partly supported by the federal government and be part of the Smithsonian. We are delighted that this is now to become a reality. A Congressional Commission created in 2014 to study the establishment of the museum issued a detailed report in 2016 recommending not only that the U.S. needs and deserves a physical women’s history museum but that it be part of the Smithsonian and located on or near the National Mall in Washington, DC. The bipartisan Commission was created by a bill sponsored by Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney.

Congresswoman Maloney then introduced H.R. 19 in the 115th Congress and H.R. 1980 in the 116th Congress based on the Commission’s recommendations. The bipartisan Smithsonian Women’s History Museum Act passed the House in 2019. The legislation was then included in the bipartisan omnibus spending package at the end of 2020, which was signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020. Representative Maloney will outline key
accomplishments and next steps for funding and building the museum.

Wendy Pangburn, who served as the Executive Director of the American Museum of Women’s History Congressional Commission will add brief insights from the Commission to help guide the museum’s creation.

We are delighted that both Holly Hotchner, President and CEO of the National Women’s History Museum, and Museum Board Chair, Susan Whiting, will join us to highlight NWHM’s historic role in getting legislation passed for a museum. They will also discuss NWHM’s current programming and how the Museum will continue to shine a light on women’s contributions to American history while the plans for the Smithsonian develop.

To conclude, we will hear from Julissa Marenco, Assistant Secretary Communications and External Affairs and Chief Marketing Officer for the Smithsonian, who will share an early-stage update for the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum and the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative. Sign up for their enewsletter:

We hope to reserve time for the presenters to comment on each other’s presentation and for some audience questions to them.

RSVP to the March 23, 2021 Zoom meeting here. (Please register for this free public meeting by 6pm on 3/22/21) At meeting time (noon), remember to join without activating your video and or audio if you do not wish to be seen, heard, or recorded. You may also want to rename your participant name to first name and last initial. This meeting will be recorded and posted to YouTube, and possibly also to Public Access Television.

Next Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues Zoom Meeting will be Tuesday Noon, Apr. 27, 2021 on The First 100 Days of the Biden/Harris Administration: Achievements, Expectations and Challenges.

Feb 2021-“Wise Aging – Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit”

Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit (based on the book Wise Aging by Cowan and Thal.) Wise aging is a senior program that considers mindfulness and contemplative practices such as meditation, text study, journaling and gentle movement as key tools.

This CWI meeting is organized and led by Harriett Stonehill, past CWI Co-President, mega skills trainer of trainers, professor at the University of the District of Columbia (UDC), author, and an experienced Wise Aging facilitator. She has arranged for the following trained Wise Aging Facilitators who are active nationally and internationally to lead us in various interactive activities in this CWI meeting.

Evi Beck, is a retired professor of Women’s Studies at University of Maryland, author and long-time Circle Dance teacher who conducts programs across the country and world. She will lead us virtually in some dances.

Harriette Kinberg, is a retired Federal Government Manager who worked at FEMA and a Wise Aging Facilitator in DC, Maryland and Virginia. She will provide an overview of the Wise Aging program and describe what happens during a typical Wise Aging group session using power point materials.

Francie Schwartz, retired from the Union of Reform Judaism, where she worked as the Adult Jewish Learning Coordinator and still loves to teach all things Jewish to our community. She is now a Wise Aging Facilitator at Temple Micah in DC. She will focus on using meditation.

The majority of participants in the Wise Aging Programs are women so the focus has mainly been on their needs as they grow older.

This session will be interactive with a discussion after the presentations. Attendees will be able to join and focus on various strategies. Please have a pen and blank paper handy.

Questions may be addressed to Harriett Stonehill. Invite your friends to join us.

RSVP to the February 23, 2021 Zoom meeting here. At meeting time (noon), remember to join without activating your video and or audio if you do not wish to be seen, heard, or recorded. You may also want to rename your participant name to first name and last initial. This meeting will be recorded and posted to YouTube, and possibly also to Public Access Television.

Next Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues Zoom Meeting will be Tuesday Noon, Mar. 23, 2021.