Dr. Sue Klein is the Education Equity Director of the Feminist Majority Foundation focusing on fully implementing Title IX, the key federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in publicly funded education. She is Vice-chair of the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education and Co-president of the Clearinghouse on Women’s Issues. She completed multi-year research projects and reports on “The State of Public School Sex Segregation in the United States”and “Reinvigorating the Role of The Title IX Coordinator: A Requirement and Resource.”
Sue joined the Feminist Majority Foundation in 2003 after 34 years in the research offices in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) where she worked on gender equity issues, education dissemination and evaluation. She served on the ED wide Equity Task Force and in 1981-2 was on a detail to the ED National Advisory Council on Women’s Educational Programs. In addition to editing the 1985 Handbook for Achieving Sex Equity through Education, Sue developed and coordinated the work of the Department of Education’s Gender Equity Expert Panel from 1996-2002.
After joining FMF, she edited the 2007 Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity through Education and contributed two articles to the 2012 Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Sue earned a Doctoral Degree in Educational Psychology from Temple University in 1970 and a Masters Degree from the University of Pennsylvania in secondary education, social studies. She received a variety of awards for her publications and leadership in dissemination and evaluation and educational equity and chaired and was active in the American Educational Research Association, Research on Women and Education group and its women’s committee. She has written over 200 publications and presented at multiple meetings.