Please also fill out and remit the Membership Form so we know which year/s, and membership types to apply to your payment.
CWI Membership form-fillable
- You may pay or renew your dues online using PayPal (see “Pay Now” button on this page).
- If you do not see an option for the amount you believe best fits you, please select “Other Amount” and fill in the amount.
- Confused about joining as an individual or organization? Organization membership includes two designees as Individual members.
Attention: Current CWI Members, remember to share your women’s advocacy news, inspirational women’s quotes and upcoming women’s events on CWI’s Facebook AND Twitter pages as we are always happy to help promote the great and important work our members do!
Membership is open to all individuals, local and national organizations interested in supporting the work of the Clearinghouse.
Membership spans from July 1 – June 30.
Individual – $25 annually / $45 two years / $65 three years
Individual under 30 years old – $15 annually
Organization – $40 annually / $70 two years / Multi-Year Discount – $100 for three years
Membership includes:
- Monthly lunchtime programs featuring guest speakers usually on the 4th Tuesday of every month usually from September – November and January – June.
- Electronic program fliers to share with colleagues & friends.
- Newsletters, with unique, detailed summary of the previous month’s presentation and timely news items of interest to women.
- Potential promotional listing as organization member with link to your website. (Website listings are subject to CWI approval.)
- Opportunity for members to share information on organizational activities and upcoming events at all CWI meetings.
Links to Websites of Current CWI Supporting Organizational Members:
- 2020 One Woman, One Vote Festival: 2020owovfest.org
- African American Policy Forum (AAPF): www.aapf.org/ —> freedomtolearn.net, *Apr23 Presenter
- Alliance for Justice: www.afj.org *Jan24 Presenter
- American Association of University Women: aauw.org
- Americans United for the Separation of Church and State: AU.org *May23 Presenter
- Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies: www.apaics.org *Oct22 Presenter
- Brennan Center for Justice: www.brennancenter.org *Feb24 Presenter
- Business and Professional Women of Maryland: www.bpwmaryland.org
- Center for American Women and Politics: cawp.rutgers.edu *Feb24 Presenter
- Center for Disability Rights: www.cdrnys.org *Apr22 Presenter
- Demand Justice: demandjustice.org *Jan24 Presenter
- ERA Coalition: eracoalition.org *Sep23 Presenter
- Fairfax County Commission for Women: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/familyservices/boards-authorities-commissions/commission-for-women
- Feminist Majority Foundation: www.feminist.org *Jun22 Presenter
- Generation Ratify: generationratify.org *Sep23 Presenter
- Girls and Women in Sport: championwomen.org *May22 Presenter
- Institute for Women’s Policy Research: iwpr.org
- League of Women Voters/DC: www.lwvdc.org
- Legal Momentum: www.legalmomentum.org
- MANA – A National Latina Organization: www.hermana.org
- Maryland Women’s Heritage Center: mdwomensheritagecenter.org
- Montgomery County, Maryland (MD) NOW: www.mcmdnow.org
- National Council of Negro Women (NCNW): ncnw.org
- National Organization for Women (NOW): now.org
- National Partnership for Women & Families: NationalPartnership.org *Jan23 Presenter
- National Women’s Health Network nwhn.org *Oct23 Presenter
- National Women’s History Alliance (formerly known as the National Women’s History Project): nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org
- National Women’s History Museum: womenshistory.org *Mar23 Presenter
- National Women’s Law Center: www.nwlc.org *Jun22, Feb23 Presenter
- National Women’s Political Caucus: nwpc.org
- Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia: www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-virginia-inc *Jan23 Presenter
- Rise for Youth: www.riseforyouth.org *Apr22 Presenter
- Shattering Glass: shatteringglass.org *Jun23 Presenter
- Smithsonian: womenshistory.si.edu *Mar23 Presenter
- Solar Cookers International : www.solarcookers.org
- SportsScientists: www.sportsscientists.com *May22 Presenter
- United for Equality LLC: united4equality.com
- Veteran Feminists of America: www.veteranfeministsofamerica.org
- Virginia (VA) NOW: vanow.org/ *Oct22 Presenter! *Sep23 Presenter
- Women’s Equity Center and Action Network (WE CAN): womensequity.org
- Women for Afghan Women: womenforafghanwomen.org
- Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement, WISER: www.wiserwomen.org
- Women’s International League for Peace and freedom: wilpfus.org
- Women’s Media Center: womensmediacenter.com
- Women’s Sports Policy Working Group: womenssportspolicy.org *May22 Presenter