Apr 2023 – “Fighting Attacks on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Co-sponsored with the African American Policy Forum

Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom

Registration Link

CWI is delighted to co-sponsor this zoom meeting with the African American Policy Forum (AAPF). AAPF is taking a leading role in providing in depth information on why the revisions to the Advanced Placement African American Studies Course are detrimental and why this and other anti-woke attacks on education equity need to be stopped. Sumi Cho, will introduce a shortened 30 minute version of a March AAPF briefing video featuring Kimberlé Crenshaw, Co-Founder & Executive Director, AAPF and colleagues on “When Racial Reckoning and Anti-Wokeness Collide: What’s Left Out of AP Black Studies and Why Everyone Should Care.“
Professor Crenshaw is known for her development of “intersectionality” and critical race theory (CRT), important concepts originally included in the AP African American Studies pilot course.

Longtime law professor Sumi Cho is now AAPF Director of Strategic Initiatives. Sumi will also invite all to participate in the Freedom to Learn National Day of Action on May 3, 2023 and the remaining planning activities. The purpose of the Freedom to Learn National Day of Action on May 3 is to defend the truth and protect the freedom to learn. Now is the time to build a broad network of people to strengthen our democracy and our values of equity, inclusion, and social justice. Through collective actions across the country, we will resist restrictions on the freedom to learn, fight the right’s “anti-woke” disinformation campaigns, and demonstrate majoritarian support for equity in our schools, campuses, and workplaces. We will make it plain that giving in to the demands of “anti-woke” forces is not an option for institutions and politicians who represent us. We cannot protect the bedrock institutions of a democracy–the right to vote, freedom of speech, and access to the truth–by appeasing organized and legislated lies as the College Board has done. You can register for actions and resources at www.freedomtolearn.net, and even join as a partner organization on this co-sponsoring Partner form! Register for the Thur. 7:30-9 PM planning meetings on April 20 and 27 at bit.ly/F2L_ROAD20503.

After viewing the video, Kristin Penner, AAPF Senior Research Analyst, will share a presentation of her work visually mapping the networks behind right-wing campaigns such as those against affirmative action, CRT, voting rights, and equity rights. She will provide examples of how feminist and intersectional issues such as affirmative action, reproductive rights, sexuality education and the work of Women Scholars are also being attacked. Kristin is a co-founder of the Coalition for a Diverse Harvard, which is an amicus supporting affirmative action in the Students For Fair Admissions v. Harvard case awaiting a SCOTUS decision now. Kristin will also review how the May 3 National Day of Action events can focus on combating these attacks on feminist education such as dismantling Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Offices in postsecondary institutions which often house Title IX Coordinators, killing women’s/gender and ethnic studies programs, and even taking over entire liberal arts colleges like New College in Sarasota, FL.

In addition to registering to attend this April 25 CWI noon zoom meeting at this Registration Link, we urge you to sign this OPEN LETTER ON FIGHTING “ANTI-WOKE” CENSORSHIP OF INTERSECTIONALITY “ANTI-WOKE” CENSORSHIP OF INTERSECTIONALITY AND BLACK FEMINISM.